Friday, July 18, 2008

Pregnancy Paranoia

I had a complete pregnancy hormone moment today. I've been feeling Katie move a whole lot and really regularly for almost a month now. Just in the past 2 weeks I've been starting to get sore when I walk and for about 3 days last week I barely felt her move at all. The movement I've felt was so faint I would question whether or not it was even her. And I would never feel anything more twice in a row. So after trying not to overreact and worry for a couple of days, I finally decided Thursday night to call the dr Friday. I failed my 1st glucose test last week so I'm already going in on Monday for the 3 hour test, but I didn't want to go all weekend long worrying.

They told me to come on in to listen to the heartbeat before the weekend for peace of mind and it ended up being way more of a big deal than I expected. Katie is fine. We heard her heartbeat and could hear her moving all over the place, I just couldn't feel her. So they brought in another machine that they strapped onto my belly. It tracked her movements and had a little clicker for me to click every time I felt her. I onle felt her once but again she was moving all over the place.

Then they brought in the portable sono machine. He wanted to make sure I was comfortable and not worrying all weekend long so he thought letting me see her move would help. While looking on the sonogram, the dr noticed I'm retaining way too much fluid. In fact I'm in the 95th percentile for the amount of fluid I'm retaining! I was floored! I guess that explains why everyone I see thinks I'm due any day when I'm only 6 1/2 months along.

So now I know Katie's fine and I'm starting to feel her again a little bit, but I'm almost certain I have gestational diabetes. I've eaten as many fruits and vegetables as I can all weekend. Other than that I've had chicken, string cheese, and water. I've finally gotten up and I've walked for the last 3 days in a last ditch effort to try to undo as much as I can of the high glucose. As much fluid as I'm retaining and with my 1st test being pretty hight (not just a little high), I don't think there's anything I can do at this point to pass the test tomorrow, but I'm still hoping.

He said if I fail the test tomorrow I have to go to a 5 hour class to learn all about the new diet. I would have a dietitian to help me. And I would have to check my bloodsugar 4 times a day! That would really stink! But it's been a huge eye-opener for me. And at least now I've got some true motivation to change my eating and excercising habits.

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