Thursday, July 17, 2008

Baby Age pillow and Pregnancy Comforts

I finally got my pillow! I was going to cancel my order on Monday and go ahead and spend twice the price at Babies R Us for a similar one. Before cancelling, I decided to check my email one last time on the slight chance that they had actually shipped it out and sent me a tracking number... And they had! I got it yesterday and loved it last night. So comfy! I'm glad it came in before I went out and spent way too much on another one.

Another one of my favorite pregnancy comforts (for those of you who are pregnant or planning to be soon) is a maternity belt! My hips started aching pretty bad at night earlier this summer and my dr suggested a maternity belt to relieve the weight and pressure that was causing the aches at night. I've worn it every day since he told me about it. It took a few days to get used to it, but now it feels really wierd to not wear it. My back was also starting to hurt and the belt almost elliminates that completely. If I go just 30 minutes without the belt, I can totally feel a difference in my back aching.

For about the past week I've started aching when I walk... especially right after I've been sitting. Tuesday was especially bad. There were several times I was almost in tears because it was so painful to walk. Late that afternoon I realized I had forgotten to put on my maternity belt. I wore it the next day and felt great! I am a huge believer now in the power of a maternity belt. I can't image going all the way through my pregnancy without one. I would be absolutely miserable without one! I highly recommend one to anyone who's pregnant. And they're cheap... $15!

I failed my glucose test last Friday so now I have to go in on Monday for the 3 hour test. They haven't said "gestational diabetes" to me yet, but I'm pretty sure I have it. I've gained way too much weight. I'm swelling too. Everyone thinks I'm about 8 months pregnant and I'm only 6. So I've spent the last 2 days going through cookbooks looking for low-carb and low-sodium foods. When you AND your husband are pretty picky eaters, it's really hard to find healthy foods that you will both like (or at least tolerate). But I'll tell you, getting this big and having the high glucose really motivates me to eat right and lose weight. Unfortunately I can't lose anything right now. Hopefully I can eat good enough to fix the glucose problem and at least not gain any more weight than I have to. So I guess no more "comfort foods" for me through the rest of this either. At least I have my comfy maternity belt and body pillow! LOL

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