Thursday, July 24, 2008

Gestational Diabetes Update

I failed my 1st glucose test and had to go in for the 3 hour glucose test on Monday. I went in today for a sono and follow up visit with my dr. The baby looks great. She was moving around like crazy! I even saw her opening her mouth some. I could see the movement more today than I have been able to with other sonograms. I guess because she's getting bigger. She's 3 lbs 3 oz right now which puts her in the 74th percentile. I got a couple of pretty good pictures. They couldn't put them on CD so I can't post any, but they printed some for me.

My dr said I did pass the 3 hour glucose test so technically I don't have gestational diabetes. Yea! But because my numbers were so high with the 1st hour of the test and I'm still in the 95th percentile for the amount of fluid I'm retaining, he's going to treat me as if I do have gestational diabetes. I have a 2 hour appointment next Wednesday to learn how to change my diet and how to check my bloodsugar. That's really not going to be fun since I hate needles. I'll only have to prick my finger, but that's going to be really hard for me to do the 1st few times I do it. I guess if I'm checking several times a day, I'll get used to it pretty quick.

Although I'm really not looking forward to having to check my bloodsugar so much, I'm glad he's sending me to the class. I could really use something like that to really teach me how to eat healthy. And it's even better that I don't actually have diabetes so it's not as serious as it could be. Hopefully this class will teach me some good changes that I can stick with so I don't end up with diabetes later in life.

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