Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Time for the Baby Gates

We've started looking for baby gates now that Katie's started crawling, but so far her crawling has stayed at a minimum. She pretty much stays in her one area and crawls to a toy she wants or to a piece of furniture to pull up on. She crawls to the dogs too, but usually not far. Not anymore!

As I was working on my last blog post, Katie was right in front of me on the floor playing with her toys. I looked up and saw her little toes going behind the recliner and down the hall. So I did what any blogging video and photo crazed mom would do... I grabbed the camera and followed her and this is what I found...
It's really funny because Daisy has "stalked" Katie since the day we brought her home from the hospital. We always joke about the day that Daisy regrets that because Katie will be following her around instead. And that day is here. Now that Katie can crawl towards Daisy, Daisy is scared of her. She scoots back and whimpers. HaHa It's payback time!

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