Saturday, July 25, 2009

10 Months!

I can't believe we're only 2 months away from Katie's 1st birthday. I love the little girl she's becoming. I should probably go back and read her 9 month update to see what's new since then, but it's 1:00 in the morning, I still Have 2 more posts I want to make, we have an 8 hour drive ahead of us tomorrow (plus all our stops), and limited internet access for the next week in Colorado! So I'll just tell you some of the things she's doing even if they overlap from her 9 month. This month has flewn by and is kind of just a blur. It seems like it was just last week that I was posting 9 month pictures.
Well, she's a pro at crawling now. She's getting really fast and is into EVERYTHING! We put up baby gates to keep her in our living room and pretty much have that room as baby proof as it's going to get. (Thank you Mary for the baby gates. You're a lifesaver!) She still bumps her head into the coffee table or on the end table when she tries to crawl under that, but there's not much we can do about that. Usually her bumps are when she's crawling really fast and looking at the floor so she runs into the side of funiture. LOL
She crawls to me and her Daddy when we call her. That's so convenient with the baby gates now. If I'm ready to feed her and don't want to crawl over the gates to get her, I just call her and comes crawling to me super fast and pulls up on the gate for me to pick her up. So sweet!
She talks to herself and to us all the time. The only new "word" she's saying now is "uh oh." It's kind of smooth and not choppy like we say it, but she's said it right a few times. She says "nananana" all the time. We're not sure if that's her way of saying "no", but it could be. Now that she's crawling, she hears "no" quite a bit. Especially when we're changing her diaper. She cries and tries her hardest to roll over and crawl. The little stinker.
She pulls up on everything and only needs to hold on with 1 hand. She's trying to stand on her own and a few times she's stood for a while without holding on to anything. It's always when she has a toy in her hand so she's focused on that and doesn't realize she's standing all by herself.
She pulls up on anything and everything she can find and walks around whatever she's holding on to really well.
She's finally eating better! She rarely gags on solid foods now. It's just a matter of finding foods she likes. I don't think she trusts me anymore with food because I've made her taste so many things she didn't like. She holds her lips shut as hard as she can. We usually have to trick her to get her to open her mouth for the 1st bite. If she likes it she'll open up for more. She loves spaghetti, asparagus, green beans, all meats, and potatoes. She's even eaten some fruits (pears and apples) this week and liked them!
She lets us know when she's done eating or when she doesn't like what we're feeding her. She swats the spoon away and usually is quicker than me so we go through lots of wet wipes or a couple of wash rags when I feed her.
She's taking really good naps in the morning, but her afternoon nap is really short. Like 30 mintues. I still leave her in there for at least an hour, but she mostly sits up and plays (with her pacifier since there are no toys in there for her to really play with.) She doesn't cry though. She's perfectly content just sitting up and talking to herself.
It's getting harder to get these pictures of her because she wants to play with the bear or crawl out of the chair.
I love her expression here. I'm sure she was talking at the time.
I love everything about this little girl.

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