Thursday, July 2, 2009

9 Month Update

Katie had her 9 month check up today and it went really well. She weighs 18 lbs 5 oz and is 27 inches long. That puts her in the 50th percentile for both. Her dr said she's doing great developmentally and with growth. Our next step to work on with her is speech development. Now that she's starting to repeat sounds and say words, it's time to start pointing at things and naming them to develop her vocabulary.
She's tried tons of new fruits and vegetables. She loves all her veggies but the only fruits she likes are plums and avocados and she sort of likes pears. Now we get to start giving her whatever we eat as long as it's soft for her. No more purees! (But I've made and frozen a LOT of fruits and veggies for her already so we'll do a mixture of purees and solids until those are all gone.) Andy's off tomorrow so we'll start the solids tomorrow for lunch so he can be here for that too.

Katie's been pulling up on everything! (Even the dogs.) Daisy has stalked Katie since she was born. Now that Katie is crawling, she's started chasing Daisy. All of a sudden, Daisy is scared of Katie. She wimpers and backs away, then Katie sits, turns around, and goes after her again. Bailey will stay put and let her pet him. We're working on actually petting and not grabbing his fur. :)
This week was the 1st time she started pulling up then letting go and trying to stand on her own. She only stands for about 1-2 seconds before falling over, but for 1st time parents, we are so proud of her!

She's getting harder to take care of. Now that she's crawling and pulling up, she gets into a lot more. She's also starting to have a little separation anxiety so she gets upset if mommy or daddy leave the room.
She sleeps on her tummy now always, but I guess she can't stay comfortable that way all night because she wakes up a couple of times each night, fusses for a little bit, sits up, crawls around her crib, then lays back down and goes back to sleep.
She takes after her daddy more and more every day. She does NOT like to sleep! I put her in her pack n play for a nap yesterday because she was cranky and I could tell she was sleepy. She stayed in there for 30 minutes crying then got really quiet all of a sudden. I looked over at her and she had put her pacifier in her mouth (upside down) and fell asleep sitting up... playing. So cute. She did the same thing earlier this week in her crib. But that time she fell forward (laying on her legs) and slept for a while like that.
Lots of "sleeping" pictures I know, but I think sleeping babies are so precious.

It's so much fun to see her personality develop as she grows.

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