Monday, January 12, 2009

Katie's First Illness

Well, my sweet baby girl started daycare last week and I have to say it was much harder than I expected. Katie did great. It was mommy that had a hard time with the whole separation anxiety. :) I like the daycare where she's going and am alreay feeling much better about it.

I was all ready to send her to daycare today and feeling really good about it when she got her 1st fever and cold last night. So she got an extra day home with daddy today. It never got bad enough for her to see the doctor and I think her fever is gone now. She looks and sounds MUCH better. This is the first of many colds I know. I think she'll already be ready to go back to school tomorrow. I just hope it's as easy for me tomorrow as I think it will be.
Watching Daddy play the Wii

1 comment:

Howard said...

Hey, Amy~! I was thinking about you- wondering if you went back to school recently- ugh. I KNOW how hard that is! My heart goes out to you. That just makes it harder too that Katie got sick-- glad she's feeling better, poor baby. Hang in there! You can do this! Just make it to Spring Break and cruise towards Summer!