Sunday, January 18, 2009

12 1/2 Hours!

Katie's been sleeping in her bassinet in our room at night (more for convenience for me waking up to feed her throughout the night more than anything else.) I know, I know. You other mommies out there probably think I'm crazy for keeping her in our room so long. But actually the SIDS organization suggests 6 months! So I think I'm doing pretty good letting her go to her room at 3 1/2. HaHa

She's slept about 6 hours a night since she was about 2 weeks old, but finally started sleeping 9-10 hours over the Christmas holidays for a good solid 2 1/2 weeks.

So we tried putting her in her crib last Saturday and she woke up every 3-5 hours and ended up back in her bassinet at about 3am. Turns out she was getting sick and has been waking up earlier and earlier all week long. Eating at 7pm and waking up at about 5am. Still about 10 hours, but not very convenient for me. I even woke her up and fed her at midnight a couple of nights ago so that 9 hours would allow me to sleep in longer and she still woke up at 4:45am!

Well since we have a long weekend, we tried her crib again last night and she slept for 12 1/2 hours! She would've slept longer, but it kind of freaked me out. I started to wonder if the monitor wasn't working or something so I went to check on her and she was sound asleep! I went ahead and woke her up to feed her because I was up and I knew she would be hungry. She ate at 7pm last night and didn't eat again until 7:20 this morning!

I slept a lot better too because I didn't hear her roling over and stuff throughout the night. Andy and I were also able to watch tv before going to bed and didn't have to worry about keeping it down so we don't wake up Katie (although, once she's out, she's out. You can be pretty loud and she'll sleep through it.)

I think we've been very blessed with a really good baby. All the things I've done that I thought would come back to bite me (giving her a pacifier all the time, rocking her to sleep sometimes, not putting her in her crib until 3 months, not scheduling or giving her a bedtime) have all resolved themselves. She transitioned to her bed with no problems, she puts herself to sleep on her own at night and for naps with ease, she barely takes the pacifier anymore (she'll keep it for about 30 seconds to calm down when she's upset then spits it out and is fine without it), she's set her own bedtime at around 7:30. That's just when she gets sleepy. Not by our choosing, but that's what she started doing on her own. They say the scheduling helps them sleep through the night sooner, but I considered 6 hours at 2 weeks to be pretty good and I think 3 months sleeping 9-12 hours is good too.

It's fun to see that she's getting her own personality already. She's very independent! I thought holding her constantly for 3 months would have some side effects too and make her very dependent and clingy. Not with this little one! There are times she'll let me hold her and cuddle with her, but there are definitely times she just wants to be alone and does not want to be held! It's funny how they're simply born with these personality traits and it doesn't matter how you raise them, they're going to have their own peronality! That is completely God-given, not Mommy and Daddy given!

We decided to skip church this morning. Andy got a cold right after the new year. Then Katie got it last weekend. She still has a very runny and stuffy nose (with no fever.) The dr said she would act like I was killing her when I gave her saline nose drops and she wsa right about that. Those were worse than her shots! But she's getting better with them now. She still doesn't like then, but she doesn't scream like the world's coming to an end anymore when I give them to her. Now I have the cold. I think I got it the worst. I can't really take anything for it since I'm nursing and don't want to risk losing my milk. I woke up this morning and have almost lost my voice from all the coughing. Praise God for 3 day weekends!

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