Monday, November 3, 2008

A First for Katie

This weekend Katie started following her toys and voices with her eyes. I've thought for a while that she might notice our voices, but I wasn't sure if she was looking at us intentionally when we talked to her or just by coincidence. I'm sure now that it's intentional. And she's following her toys too. I first noticed when I put her little seahorse down in her pack n play with her and she always seems to turn her head to look at it when I put it down. (It's stomach lights up and it plays music.) So I picked it up and slowly moved it from one side of her to the other and she turned her head staring at it all the way across. I was so proud!

So today she got her new swing. She loves her little travel one but this is a full size one and so much better. It plays music and nature sounds, has a timer, a try (for toys when she gets bigger), and a mobile. I just put it together and she started staring at the mobile too! Thanks Mimi and Pop for the new swing!

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