Tuesday, November 25, 2008

2 Months Old!

The top picture is from my Oct 21st "Baby Einstein" post. Katie was 1 month old then and the bottom 2 pictures were taken a few days ago... at 2 months.
I've raised the flower headrest all the way to the top of the bouncer and her feet are almost at the very bottom of it now.
Monday she goes to the dr for her 2 month appointment and for a round of 5 immunizations. I'm anxious to go have her weighed and measured and see how much she's grown. But I'm dreading those shots! She got 1 immunization at her 1 month appointment and it killed me to see her scream and cry when she got it. I don't know how I'm going to handle 5 of them this time. They told me I can give her some Baby Tylenol to help. So I'm going to try that and pray it helps. They may need to give me some Zanex or something before it's all over. LOL

1 comment:

Aaron, Lacey, Audrey and Elle said...

She really has changed a lot in the last month, her little face looks fuller. Yeah, the 2 month shots are no fun at all! We split Audrey's shots into 2 visits so at her 2 month appointment she got 3 vaccines and a couple weeks later we went back and got the other 2. I'm doing the same thing with her 4 month shots next week. We give Audrey the baby tylenol before we leave the house for her visit. It seems to help and she usually sleeps all day after the shots. It's a lot for their little bodies to handle! Good luck! Missed you guys the other night at thanksgiving social!