Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Egg Hunting

This year Katie went to her first Easter Egg Hunt (wearing the new outfit I made her.)

Waiting for the 2 and under hunt to begin.
Poor thing.  All the parents in front of us were grabbing handfuls and throwing stuff in their babies baskets.  We were only about 3 people deep in the crowd and the ground was bare when we got on the field.  Katie wasn't very thrilled about this egg hunt thing.  She got 2 candy eggs (and one of those was because another kid put one in her basket.)
So we stayed for the 3-4 year old hunt next.  That one was much better. 
Some sweet little kids were emptying the candy out of their eggs and offered the empty shells for Katie.  That worked out perfect because they only wanted the candy and Katie only wanted the plastic eggs.  She had a blast putting all those pastic egg shells in her basket!
We ended up having a good time, but I don't think we'll go to the big city egg hunt again.  From now on I think we'll do our own egg hunts with our friends.

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