Friday, January 15, 2010

What's Katie Been Up To Lately? (part 1)

Well, I had planned to post some video with these post, but I started typing this about 2 weeks ago and still haven't gotten the videos uploaded.  I'll post some of those as I can get them uploaded.  They just take so long to do.

Since I stopped the monthly updates after Katie's 1st birthday, I've kept a list of things she's started doing since then that I love.  She has changed so much since her 1st birthday.  It's so exciting to see her learning new things almost every day.

~Shortly after her 1st birthday she really started to recognize us when we pick her up from daycare. I like to stand at the door and peak in on her, but as soon as 1 baby notices me out there, they all look and Katie gets up running to me.

~She loves to hug.  When I say "Hug me!" she runs to me with her arms out wide and gives me a great big hug.  Makes my heart melt.  Earlier this week when I picked her up from daycare, she ran across the room to me with a big smile on her face and her arms stretched out wide then gave me a giant hug.  I love that little girl!

~They are adorable at daycare.  Her 12-18 month room has outside playtime every day, music, sign language, storytime, crafts... It's so cute to see all those tiny little people all gathered around their teachers listening to a story.  The one time I tried to pick Katie up in the middle of a story, she started crying.  She really wanted to hear the rest of the story.  So I try not to do that anymore.

~She moved to her forward facing carseat on her birthday weekend and she's so much fun in it.  I can see her now and she talks to me all the time in the car and sometimes sings with me. 

~She's figuring out the right way to use her toys and things... putting shapes in the shape sorter, knows what buttons to push to do different things on her toys, knows to turn her sippy cup around the right way, drinks from a sippy cup with a straw (sometimes), starting to use spoon and fork (or at least tries sometimes.)  I have to put the food on a spoon for her, but she knows to turn the spoon over to lick all the food off then hands it back to me for more.  I've been giving her a fork lately and letting her experiment on her own.  She was able to get the food on her fork all by herself at least once but usually just plays with it.

~She LOVES her pacifier!  Even more so since our stay in the icu where we let her keep it in her mouth 24/7 for 5 days because it was comforting to her.  We try to keep it out of sight when she plays, but if she sees it laying around it goes right into her mouth.  Sometimes she puts in in upside down and will leave it that way.  LOL

~Hugs the dogs and her stuffed animals and she's just recently really taken an interest in "lovies" (blankies to snuggle with.)  When she hugs a stuffed animal or "lovie", she holds it up by her face and says "awww."

~She still loves her baths.  I bathe her in the sink sometimes because it's just easier and she loves playing with the running water and sometimes leans over and tries to drink it.  She loves splashing and playing in her bath.

~She loves to bang on things and make lots of noise.

~She loves to be chased and tickled.  When I call her to me because she's heading down the hall out of sight or something, she looks at me and smiles and waits for me to come get her.  When I finally go get her she runs away and giggles.  :)

~She's still not much of a napper.  She typically sleeps 30 minutes and on a good day 1 hour at daycare during their 2 hour naptime.  I get on the webcam sometimes during nap (that's my lunch break) and usually I see lots of sleeping babies and Katie will be walking around.  She'll stand over one friend and look at her, then move to another friend to look at.  I'm sure she's wondering why they're all sleeping and not playing with her.  HaHa!  She comes home exhausted so I let her take a late afternoon nap while I cook dinner and relax a little then I just let her stay up late playing with me and Andy.  It works great for the 3 of us (for now anyway.)  She sleeps really well on weekends though when she's by herself in her room.  At least an hour but usually 2 or 3 hour naps.

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