Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday Night

This girl is definitely feeling better. They have reduced her steroids from 4 times a day to 3 times a day. Her heartrate seems to be very slowly going down a little more. It's hard to tell because it fluctuates so much. And I think her respiration is still the same. Fluctuating a lot but mostly in the 50s. That's still a little high due to the pneumonia. The heartrate around 140s and not lower because of her having to work so hard to make her oxygen flow. As the antibiotics and steriods work to reduce the inflamation those things should come down even more.

Her oxygen tubes do 2 things...
1. gives oxygen (she's not needing much of this at all)
2. forces pressure to make the oxygen flow through her (this is the part she has the oxygen tubes for) She's having to work to get it flowing because her lungs are inflamed from the pneumonia. She'll have the oxygen tubes for a while but her pressure flow was set at 5 last night and they're trying 4 now. So far she's doing well.

I think the steriods are kicking in. I can tell she's feeling better because she has SO MUCH energy!!! She's got a good appetite and has eaten well and she's been sitting up talking, playing with toys in bed, and very active today. Especially tonight. This is a huge challenge because with all her tubes she can't get out of bed and walk around. She's trying to crawl out of her bed, trying to stand in her bed, and rolling all over the place. It's late and she hasn't slept much today so she should be sleepy but she's just rolling everywhere. She's not fussing (she was but not anymore.) Instead, she's rolling, hanging her leg over the side of the bed and swinging it and giggling. With all of her cords though, she gets tangled in them and has pulled her oxygen monitor off her toe at least 10 times today. These nurses are going to be so tired of us. LOL

This girl is not sleepy at all. It may be a long night, but so worth it. I would much rather sacrifice sleep because she's like this than to get good rest like last night because she was too sick to squirm or fight.

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