Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fruit Loops, YUCK!

Katie eats LOTS of Cheerios. She eats them for breakfast and snacks so most days she has Cheerios at least once. I decided to try something different and gave her Fruit Loops. Who doesn't love Fruit Loops. They're the best! I went over to the sink to do some dishes while she was eating but when I looked back at her she had grabbed the cereal bag off the table, pulled it over to her highchair and was beginning to put the Fruit Loops back into the bag... one by one. Apparently she wasn't much of a Fruit Loops fan at first, but she has come to her senses since then. She likes them now.I made a 12 month plate for Katie's birthday and it didn't turn out the way I'd hoped. It was my least favorite of all her footprint plates I've made. My sister accidentally broke it when cleaning our house for us which actually turned out to be a good thing. It was only a month after her birthday so I was easily able to redo the plate. I also found this rectangle one so it matches the other square ones better than the oval platter I originally made. I think this one came out much better than the 1st one.

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