Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baby Einstein

Last week we watched Baby Einstein for the 1st time. I liked it, but it was definately not what I expected. It was a lot of counting and saying colors, alphabet, and nursery rhymes but in lots of different languages. I guess that's good for their development because she's just hearing all the sounds made.
Of coarse, Daisy was doing her "duty" and watching Katie the whole time we were watching Baby Einstein. She kind of stalks Katie. I think it's partly out of curiosity, but I think she's also trying to protect her. She used to do this to Chelsea (another one of our dogs) all day long (and night too.) Now she's shifted her attention to Katie. It's funny to watch!
She was very content in her bouncer watching for about the 1st 15-20 minutes, then she fell asleep. She's been much more alert in the last week. It's fun to see her awake and wide-eyed taking in all she can see. And I can start to try out her bouncer, swing, and tummy time mat more now that she's awake a little more.


Todd, Jenn, Sam, Ali, Max and Herculez said...
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Todd, Jenn, Sam, Ali, Max and Herculez said...

I think you have one that is too old for her. You need Baby Beethoven or Mozart or Monet. They all start at birth. Monet is for 6 mo and up. They are mostly music and eye catching things on the screen.

Aaron, Lacey, Audrey and Elle said...

Audrey has the Baby Beethoven and Mozart, she loves watching them and even laughs at them now. I'm definitely going to have to limit tv time because she would watch them more than once if I let her ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if there is any talking, they won't like it yet. Patrick's favorite was Baby Gallileo.