Friday, January 1, 2010

December Pictures

December has been a very busy month.  We tried to go to Merry Mainstreet but it was way too cold so we let Katie see the reindeer and left.

We waited 2 1/2 hours for our Santa pictures.  The good part is that you get a time card and don't have to wait in line until your time.  So we only had to wait in line for about 20-30 minutes of that.  In the meantime, we looked at ATVs, rode a Merry Go Round, and just wandered the store a little bit.

When it was time to wait in line, Katie wanted no part in standing that.  Andy and I took turnes holding our spot in line while Katie walked around, looked at the huge fish, and tried to grab everything within her reach.  When we got close to Santa and she couldn't walk around anymore, she was pretty squirmy and not very happy.  So of coarse she tried to squirm out of Santa's arms too.  As soon as we were done with the picture and able to walk around some more she was fine.  Ha!

I had a little photo session with Katie in her silver tutu that Mimi bought her and her Santa dress.  I had planned for her to wear the Santa dress to the Christmas Eve church service, but as you all know, we didn't make it there.  I guess we'll have to wait until 2011 for Katie to help light the family candle on the candle Christmas tree.

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