Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Colorado Day 5 fishing

Thursday we went back to Wright Lake for some more fishing. There were lots of fish swimming around right on the bank of the lake. The pictures doen't even show how many there really were. Too many to count for sure.
I finally got a picture of Andy catching a fish that day. We caught more than that. We just didn't take pictures this year when we caught them. It was a good fishing day. Nice and relaxing. There was a ton of cottonwood out there. I tried to get a picture of that but none of them came out any good. But when a big wind would blow, the cottonwood would blow so thick that it looked like it was snowing.
Behind us at the lake was a little bit of brush and when we left we saw 2 deer grazing right behind the brush. And this time we didn't hit them! HaHa

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